1. Botanical name of wheat is

ANSWER= (C) Triticum aestivum
Explain:- Botanical name of wheat is Triticum aestivum


2. Wheat is originated in

ANSWER= (C) South West Asia
Explain:- Botanical name of wheat is Triticum aestivum


3. Family of wheat is

ANSWER= (B) Posceae
Explain:- Botanical name of wheat is Triticum aestivum


4. Macaroni wheat is also known as

ANSWER= (B) T. durum
Explain:- Macaroni wheat (T.durum) 2n=28 (Tetraploid) this wheat is cultivated in in Area 4%


5. Emmer wheat is known as

ANSWER= C) T.diccocum
Explain:- Emmer wheat (T.diccocum) 2n=28 (Tetraploid) this wheat is cultivated in in Area 1%


6. King of Cereal…. .

ANSWER= B) Wheat
Explain:- King of Cereal :- Wheat and Queen of Cereal :- Maize


7. Photoperiodically, wheat is…

ANSWER= A) Long day plant
Explain:- Photoperiodically, wheat is Long day plant


8. Which state has highest production and highest area of wheat in India

ANSWER= D) Uttar pradesh
Explain:- Uttar Pradesh has largest share in area with 9.75 million hectare (32%), followed by Madhya Pradesh (18.75%), Punjab (11.48%), Rajasthan (9.74%), Haryana (8.36%) and Bihar (6.82%).


9. Which state has highest productivity under wheat cultivation

ANSWER= A) Punjab
Explain:- The traditional wheat-growing states Punjab and Haryana have highest productivity than the national productivity.


10. Sowing depth of dwarf varieties of wheat is..

ANSWER= D)3-4 cm
Explain:- The optimum sowing depth of wheat should be 5cm.Sowing depth of dwarf varieties of wheat is 3-4 cm


11. Most critical growth stage for irrigation in wheat is

ANSWER= A) Crown Root Initiation (CRI)
Explain:- Crown Root Initiation (CRI) 20-25 Day After Sowingis most critical growth stage for irrigation in wheat and Flowering stage (90-95 DAS) is the second most critical stage for irrigation


12. Which gene is responsible for dwarfness in wheat

ANSWER= B) Norin-10
Explain:- Gene Norin-10 is responsible for dwarfness in wheat and The Gene Dee-Gee-Woo is responsible for dwarfness in Rice


13. Dwarf wheat (Mexican) is introduced in India by

ANSWER= B) Dr M S Swaminathan
Explain:- Dr M S Swaminathan


14. Indian Dwarf wheat belongs to?

ANSWER= C) T. spherococcum
Explain:- T. spherococcum


15. Common bread wheat is……

ANSWER= B) T. aestivum
Explain:- T. spherococcum is common wheat grown all over the India, it’s cover 95% of Area


16. The inflorescence of wheat is known as?

ANSWER= C) Ear/Head/Spike
Explain:- The flowering portion of wheat plant is known as early or head but it's botanical name is spike.


17. Fruit of wheat is known as….

ANSWER= A) Caryopsis
Explain:- Trick ➡ Fruit type of all crops which belongs to family Poaceae is Caryopsis..


18. Test weight of wheat is

ANSWER= C) 40 g
Explain:- Test Weight :- it means weight of 1000 seed i.e weight of 1000 seed of wheat is 40g


19. Mimicry/Satellite weed of wheat is

ANSWER= B) Phalaris minor
Explain:- Phalaris minor is mimicry weed of wheat we can’t differentiate in early stages.


20. Primary/Temporary roots in wheat

ANSWER= B) Seminal root
Explain:- Primary/Temporary Root are Seminal root and Crown Root is Peremenant root in Wheat.


21. Test weight of Phalaris minor is?

ANSWER= A) 2 g
Explain:- Test Weight of Phalaris minor is 2 g


22. Indian Institute of wheat research is located at?

ANSWER= D) Karnal
Explain:- Indian Institute of wheat research is located at Karnal


23. Gluten in wheat is responsible for?

ANSWER= C) Good binding property
Explain:- Glutain protein found in wheat (8-11%)it is responsible for bread making quality,High gluten means easy to dough.


24. Foul smell of the black powder in Karnal bunt is due to?

ANSWER= A) Trimethylamine


26. Black or stem rust caused by?

ANSWER= B) Puccinia gramina tritici
Explain:-. Puccinia gramina tritici

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