Cotton JRF MCQs Part - 1

16. What is the seed rate for cultivation of cotton?

ANSWER= (C) 2-3 kg/ha
Explain:- A) Seed rate for Desi Cotton :- 12-15 kg/ha B) Seed rate for American Cotton :- 15-25 kg/ha C) Seed rate for hybrid Cotton :- 2-3 kg/ha D) Seed rate for Bt Cotton :- 1-1.5kg/ha


17. Who is the father of Bt Cotton in India?

ANSWER= (B) C. D. Mayee


18. Optimum Plant population for Bt. Cotton per hectare is…

ANSWER= (1) 10,000
Explain:- A) Plant population for Desi Cotton :- 55,555 plant/ha B) Plant population for American Cotton:- 50,000 – 80,000 plant/ha C) Plant population for Hybrid Cotton:- 16,666 plant/ha D) Plant population for Bt. Cotton :- 10,000 plant/ha


19. Optimum Plant population for Desi Cotton per hectare is…

ANSWER= (B) 55,555
Explain:- Refer Question 18


20. The appearance of flower bud in cotton is known as

ANSWER= (D) Square
Explain:- Square


21. Crinckle leaf of cotton is due to

ANSWER= (B) Mn Toxicity
Explain:- Little leaf in cotton :- Zn deficiency Crikle leaf of cotton :- Mn Toxicity


22.Which is the first inter specific hybrid of cotton?

ANSWER= (A) Varalaxmi
Explain:- Varalaxmi is first hybrid it is cross between G. hirsutum × G. barbadence.


23. Water requirement of cotton is?

ANSWER= (B) 800-900mm
Explain:- 800-900mm


24. Bt cotton is effective against…

ANSWER= (D) Bollworm pest
Explain:- Bollworm pest


25. Cotton is also known as…

ANSWER= (B) White Gold
Explain:- White Gold


26. Bad opening of flowers in cotton is known as….

ANSWER= (A) Tirak
Explain:- Tirak


27.Short fiber remains attached to seed after ginning is….

ANSWER= (C) Tinter
Explain:- Tinter


28. Little leaf of cotton is due to…..

ANSWER= (B) Zn deficiency
Explain:- Zn deficiency


29. In cotton, which type of Emasculation is mostly followed?

ANSWER= (B) Thumb & Nail method
Explain:- Thumb & Nail method


30. Family of cotton

ANSWER= (D) Malvaceae
Explain:- Malvaceae

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