Cultivation of Rose - Horticulture JRF


 Cultivation of Rose - Horticulture JRF

Rose flowers

* Botanical name :- Rosa app

* Family :- Rosaceae

* Origin :- India

* Chromosome no :- 2n=14

* Some Important Fact of Rose

- it is the national flower of England & Iran. 

- Farm of Rose is known as 'Rosary'. 

- Farmer who cultivate Rose is known as "Rosarian".

- Fruit of Rose is known as hipps, and it is good source of Vit C.(119mg/100g) 

- Seed of Rose is known as 'Acenses'. 

- "Alpha Garden" in England is the biggest garden of Rose in the world. 

- "Crimson China Rose" is known as the father of modern roses. 

- 'Attar' was discovered by "Begum Noor Jahan"

- In India, maximum area and production of flowers crop is covered under Rose. 

- UP is leading state in Rose production. 

- "Germany" Is the highest importer of Rose followed by USA. 

- "Netherland" is the highest exporter of flowers. 

Uses if Rose

- Rose is 4th most commercial importance and it's cut flowers has highest demand throughout the world. 

- Rose plant are also used as perennial garden plant. 

- Rose as pot plant in suitable container are also commercially grown and kept indoor as well as outdoor. 

- 'Rose water' is also an important commercial product from rose petals, it is used as perfumes and medicine. 

Rose oil
Rose oil

- 'Rose oil' is important commercial products obtained from rose petals. 

- Rose petals are also preserved for direct consumption by making 'gulakand' which is prepared by equal proportion of petals and white sugar (1:1). 

- Dried rose petals known as 'Pankhuri' which is used for preparing sweet and cold drinks 

- Gul-roghan :- it is rose hair oil prepared from rose petals by effteurage with wet sesamum oil. 

Climate and Soil 

- Rose belongs to temperate region but it is grown in all types of climate. 

- suitable temperature for growth is 15-27°c

- rose can be cultivated in all types except Sandy soil. 

- loamy soil is best suitable. 


A) Budding

- Hybrids and Floribunda Roses are mainly propagated through budding.

- T-budding is common methods. 

- Best time of budding is Nov-Dec

*Rootstock :- R. multiflora, R. indica var. odorata. 

B) Cutting

- Scented roses are mainly propagated through cuttings. 

Classes of Rose 

A) Old Garden Roses

- old garden Roses include the crosses between

1) European Roses × Wild type roses

2) Asian/China roses × Wild type roses

B) Modee Garden Roses

- Modern Garden Roses includes

a) Hybrid Tea b) Floribunda c) Miniature d) Polyanthus e) Creepers f) Shrubs

A) Hybrid Tea

- this class of rose is a cross between "Rosa Hybrid Perpachuls × China Tea Rose"

- The flower of this opening are very slowly hence it can be kept in vases for a longer time. 

- flowers are wide range of color are available in this. 

a) Red colored variety :- First Red, Happiness, Montezuma, Avon. 

b) Yellow colored variety :- Gold medal, golden star, golden time and Pusa soniya. 

c) Orange colored variety :- super star, summer Holliday, Grand Gala. 

B) Floribunda


- it is a cross between "Hybrid Tea Rose × Dwarf Polyanthus"

- There is profuse flowering in this class of roses but the flower shed soon. 

- this class of flowers are used to decorations and bending purpose.


* Important variety in this class

a) White colored variety :- Iceberg, Summer snow, Chitchor, Chandrama. 

b) Pink :- Prema, Sadabahar, Bridal Pink

c) Yellow :- Golden times, sea pearl

C) Miniature

- The Roses of this class are dwarf in stature and the twigs and leaves are also small. 

- The flowers of this class are used in Flower arrangements and pot planting. 

* Important varieties

a) Red :- Beauty secret, Dark Beauty, Fast Fire. 

b) White :- Green ice, Z-Trail

c) Yellow :- Baby Gold Star, Kale Gold

d) Orange :- Angel

e) Bicolor :- star, strip and over the rainbow. 

D) Climber 

- The branches of these roses are soft and spread like climber. 

- They are used for raising over the 'Pergolas' and walls. 

* Other main Important Varieties of Roses

1) Rosa Indica 

- also known as 'Pushkari Gulab' Commercially propagated in Ajmer district of Rajasthan. 

2) Rosa Damascence 

- also known as 'Cheti Gulab'

- it has maximum essential oil content among all Rose species. 

- it has 0.04% essential oil content

3) Rosa Canina :- it is also known as "Dog Rose"

4) Rosa moschata :- it is known as "musk Rose/Kunj gulab"

5) Rosa Centifolia :- also known as cabbage Rose. 

- it has 0.01% essential oil content but oil is superior quality. 

6) Rosa Galica :- it is also known as "French Rose"

7) Rosa Hybrid Perpachuls

* Spacing

A) Cut Flowers production :- 60×30cm

B) Hybrid Tea :- 120 × 120 cm

C) Polyanthus :- 45 × 45 cm

D) Miniature :- 30 × 30 cm

E) Floribunda :- 90 × 60 cm

* Some Important Cultural Practices in Rose

A) Disbudding 

- Disbudding is the practice of removing the buds on a rose at a very early stage. 

B) Pinching

- little buds are removed by pinching

C) Bud Capping

- The flower buds are covered with nylon cap which helps for increasing bud size, avoids damage in transportation. 

* Yield

1) Loose Flowers :- 2.5 - 3.0 t/ha

2) Cut Flowers :- 2.5 - 3 lakh Flowers/ha

* Plant Protection

1) Plant Disease

a) Die back (Diplodia rosarum) 

- The infected portion should be destroyed and the cut end should be painted with "Chaubattia paste" or "Bordeux paste"

- Application of optimum dose of fertilizer and by Faciliting proper drainage. 

- spray of 3g/litre of Copper Oxychloride (50%) 

b) Black spot (Diplocarpon rosae) 

- This disease appears in humid areas 

- it can be easily controlled by spraying carbendazim (1g/litre of water) and captain (0.2%). 

c) Powdery Mildew ( sphaerotheca pannosa) 

2) Pest Management

a) Aphids ( Macrosiphum rosae) 

- Occurs in January - February month

- spray 0.1% Malathion or Metasystox (0.1-0.2%) or Rogor (0.1-0.2%) 

b) Red scale ( Lindigapsis rosae) 

- occurs in August - September month

- These pest can be controlled by spraying malathion (0.1%) or Parathion (0.25%) 

3) Physiological Disorders

a) Blind Wood

- Formation of unproductive branches due to low temperature, insufficient light, chemical residue, insect, pest, fungal disease. 

b) Bull Heads or Malformed Flowers

- The cause of Bull Heads is yet unknown however, thrips infestation will also cause malformed flowers. 

c) Limp Neck

- The area of stem just below the flowers wilts and it will not support the head. 

d) Blackening of Rose

- This is caused by low temperature and high Anthocynin content. 

                              Thank you 🙏

Image source :- Pexels images

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