Cultivation of wheat - Agronomy JRF

 Cultivation of Wheat - Agronomy JRF

*Botanical name :- Triticum spp. 

* Family :- Poaceae / Gramineae

* Origin :- South West Asia

* Type of Fruit :- Caryopsis

* Type of inflorescence :- Ear/Spike/Head

* Carbohydrates :- 62-71%

* Protein :- 8-15%

* Fat :- 1.5 - 2%

- Wheat is C3 plant and self pollinated crop.


- Inflorescence ( flowering part of plant) is Ear/Head/spike.

- Zig-zag line of grain known as Rachis. 

- Gluten protein found in wheat (8-11%) and it is responsible for bread making quality. 

- Test weight (weight of 1000 seed)of wheat is 40 gram.

- Crown root Initiation (CRI) is most critical stage of irrigation. 

Their are four important species of wheat found in India. 

A) Common wheat (T.aestivum) 

- This wheat is most suitable for making Chapati. 

- Chromosome no :- 2n=42 (Hexaploid) 

- it is also known as bread wheat. 

- also known as Mexican dwarf wheat. 

- it is cultivated in area 95%

- it is grown throughout the India. 

B) Macaroni wheat ( T. durum) 

- This wheat is best suitable for making noodles, vermicelli etc. 

- Chromosome no :- 2n= 28 (Tetraploid) 

- it is cultivated in about 4% of Area. 

C) Emmer wheat ( T. diccocum) 

- Chromosome no :- 2n= 28 (Tetraploid) 

- also known as spring/winter wheat.


- grown for making upama in South India. 

- it is cultivated in about 1% of Area. 

D) Short Wheat ( T. sphaerococcum) 

- Commonly known as Indian dwarf wheat.


- it is gone out of cultivation due to low productivity. 

Area and Production 

- wheat is grown all over the world. 

- India has 1st rank in the Area of wheat and china 2nd.

- India has 2nd rank in the production of wheat after China. 

- in India, UP has highest area as well as production while highest productivity is in Punjab. 

Soil and Climate

- Wheat can be cultivated in a various types of soils of India.

- Soils with a clay loam or loam texture, good structure with moderate water holding capacity are ideal for wheat cultivation. 

- Alluvial soil is most suitable for wheat cultivation. 

- it's require cool and dry climate, grown in rabi season. 

- optimum temperature should be 20-25°C.


- New protein rich varieties :- HD-3226 ( Pusa Yashwashi) 

- HD-4758 (Pusa malvi :- resistance to leaf rust and stem rust. 

- HDCW :- resistance to brown rust

- Pusa kiran, HW-1098


- sowing should be done15th October to 1st week of November. 

- Sowing should be completed within the first fortnight of November. 

- sowing depth should be 5-7 cm. 

Seed Treatment

- seeds should be treated with Carbendazim or Thiram at 2 g/kg of seeds 24 hours before sowing.

Seed Rate :- 100kg/ha

Spacing :- 22.5×10 cm

Recommend dose of NPK :- 120:60:40 kg/ha.

Water Management

- Wheat crop requires minimum of 5 irrigations should be given at the following critical stages. 

1) Crown Root Initiation :- 20-25 DAS

2) Tillering :- 40-45 DAS

3) late joining :- 60-65 DAS

4) Flowering stage :- 80-85 DAS

5) Milking stage :- 100-105 DAS

6) Dough stage/Grain filling stage :- 115-120 DAS


- when the grains become hard and straw becomes dry and brittle, the crop is ready to harvest. 

- Trash and winnow the grains. 


Irrigated Area :- 45-50 q/ha

Non-irrigated Area :- 15-20 q/ha

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